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  • 07


    New Molecular Inhibitor Stimulates Tissue Regeneration

    The ability to create agents that promote tissue regeneration would have overwhelmingly beneficial implications within the clinical setting. Now, a collaboration of researchers from UT Southwestern Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University, and the University of Kentucky has identified an enzyme they say regulates tissue regeneration. The scientists believe that the inhibition of this enzyme could accelerate tissue recovery from injury, disease, or even various surgical procedures in multiple organ systems.

  • 07


    New Hope for ALS Sufferers

    Researchers at the CHUM Research Center and the University of Montreal report the discovery of a previously unknown link between the immune system and the death of motor neurons in Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. The scientists believe their research paves the way to an entirely new approach for finding a drug that can cure or at least slow the progression of such neurodegenerative diseases as ALS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's diseases.

  • 07


    An Aspirin a Day Keeps the Breast Cancer Away

    The list of things that aspirin can do gets seemingly larger every year. Beyond its initial indication for the treatment of headaches and migraines, low-dose aspirin has been indicated, arguably, for patients to prevent cardiac episodes or the reoccurrence of cardiac issues in individuals who previously had a heart attack or mild stroke. Furthermore, previous studies have shown that acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), the chemical name for aspirin, blocks tumor growth in colon, gastrointestinal, and prostate cancers.

  • 07


    Detecting Disease with Intelligent Bacteria

    We most often think of bacteria as tiny imperceptible organisms that often cause us to become irritatingly sick or as the origin of terrible disease epidemics. At best, some may view microbes as quasi-helpful when they are packaged in the form of probiotic food or supplement. What if, however, we were able to use bacterial species as a diagnostic tool to detect disease?

  • 07


    Merck & Co. Extends $100M Agenus Cancer Collaboration

    Agenus said today that Merck & Co. has extended their year-old, approximately $100 million-plus collaboration for the discovery and development of therapeutic antibodies against undisclosed Merck immune checkpoints for cancer.